Thank you for the goodies and the cool cup!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Angel Tree

Come by the Library and choose an angel from the tree. On the back of each angel is a prize that will be given out during summer reading 2007. If you would like to ensure that a child receives one of these prizes this summer pay the dollar amount to the Friends. Make checks payable to the Friends of the Burbank Library and your donation will be tax deductible. There are also a few angels with a picture of the projector that the Friends recently helped purchase for the Library. Feel free to choose one of these as well; you can specify the amount you would like to give.
Successful Celebration
Unapproved December Meeting Minutes
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
December 9, 2006
Unapproved Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 2:10 PM
Members Present: Punkey Adams, Jill Bolliger, Kim Dotta, Virginia Gutierrez, Gloria Meloy, Betty Shackett, Arlene Shade, Jennifer Tevlin Debbie Williams.
The minutes were approved for November.
Jill gave the treasurer report but let the group know that it did not include the $77.98 for the bookmarks. The total was $8,039.87. She switched the account over to a checking account and the checks have arrived.
Virginia G. reported that there was one new member and that the Friends had received two letters from individuals who could not make the celebration and one included a donation of $20.
The annual meeting committee reported to the group about their hard work on pulling together the celebration.
Unfinished Business
Ballots were handed out and picked up from the members.
Virginia G. talked about membership to DOVIA, Volunteer Center, and Washington Library Association, WLA, Membership. After discussion it was moved that the Friends would join both groups. It passed unanimously.
New Business
The group discussed what needed to be done for the celebration and what jobs needed to be filled.
Gloria let the group know that she will be working with the seniors on restoring the school photos. She would like to do that at the library on a Saturday once a month. She will talk to the staff about what day would be best.
The next meeting will be at the elementary at 6 pm on January 9th. Debbie will speak with them about the meeting.
Punkey thanked the group for the projector.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:40 pm.
December 9, 2006
Unapproved Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 2:10 PM
Members Present: Punkey Adams, Jill Bolliger, Kim Dotta, Virginia Gutierrez, Gloria Meloy, Betty Shackett, Arlene Shade, Jennifer Tevlin Debbie Williams.
The minutes were approved for November.
Jill gave the treasurer report but let the group know that it did not include the $77.98 for the bookmarks. The total was $8,039.87. She switched the account over to a checking account and the checks have arrived.
Virginia G. reported that there was one new member and that the Friends had received two letters from individuals who could not make the celebration and one included a donation of $20.
The annual meeting committee reported to the group about their hard work on pulling together the celebration.
Unfinished Business
Ballots were handed out and picked up from the members.
Virginia G. talked about membership to DOVIA, Volunteer Center, and Washington Library Association, WLA, Membership. After discussion it was moved that the Friends would join both groups. It passed unanimously.
New Business
The group discussed what needed to be done for the celebration and what jobs needed to be filled.
Gloria let the group know that she will be working with the seniors on restoring the school photos. She would like to do that at the library on a Saturday once a month. She will talk to the staff about what day would be best.
The next meeting will be at the elementary at 6 pm on January 9th. Debbie will speak with them about the meeting.
Punkey thanked the group for the projector.
Meeting Adjourned at 2:40 pm.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Unapproved meeing minutes for November
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
November 14, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 7:05 PM
Members Present: Jill, Kim, Virginia, Laura, Betty, Jennifer. Debbie arrived late due the conflicting time with PTO meeting.
The minutes were approved for October.
Jill had not arrived yet so the Treasurer’s report was passed over.
Virginia G Reported that she had received some correspondence over the past month. The group had received membership information from Washington Library Association and DOVIA, a professional organization at the Volunteer Center. She also received a thank you from Brandi Tevlin for the sponsorship the group had given her. The best piece of mail was the letter from the IRS confirming the 501 (c) (3) status. Virginia reported on a few ideas that came from the Friends Forum in Spokane. She provided handouts about dealing with the media and shared the Whitman County Friends’ newsletter and membership form. She also shared about a company that will buy books from the Friends and sell them online. Virginia sent out personal letters to some community members seeking membership for the group. There were two renewals and 3 new members for the month. The member count is 31 with 6 of them being family memberships.
Jill arrived and gave her report. Her most current balance is $8,231.12. She is going to switch over the passbook savings account to the preferred checking tomorrow. The group encouraged her to have an online account and space for two signatures on the checks.
Laura gave a report on the senior project. She has had one call for transportation on the 21st and Jenny is willing to help. She has made up business cards with her number on them.
The annual meeting committee handed out a tentative agenda and a list of needs. The meeting will be from 2-3 pm and the 10 Year Celebration will be from 3-5. Virginia G. will take on advertisements and she passed around an invitation. She was looking to have photos printed from the front of the card but found it expensive. Laura suggested calling Skip Navakovich to see if we could get the invitations printed. Jennie volunteered for setup and breakdown. Virginia said she could help since she would be working and she would make sure the library was decorated. After much discussion Laura said she would head the donation drive as long as she had help. Jill volunteered to help her. Virginia volunteered to make certificates. Jill is willing to work on entertainment. It was mentioned that Grey Wolf may be interested since they came to the patron appreciation day. The school also has an ensemble. Jennie said she was thinking of asking teachers if any of their classes had something rehearsed already, the more the merrier. Kim said she would coordinate food but asked all members to bring finger foods. Virginia is working on the two speakers. They will be Joy and either Punkey or Brent, Board Chair. It was mentioned that Don is a good MC, Virginia G. will look into it. After much discussion the closing of the silent Auction was moved to 4:30 so people could have one more opportunity to bid. Punkey said it was fine to have the items on display at the library during the week. Donations need to be turned in by December 2nd. The bidding will be open on the following Monday. Jill is willing to help announce door prizes as well as the auction results. The group wants to get a small live tree as a door prize.
Unfinished Business
Virginia reported that windows were washed by the senior class. They tried to get the hard water stains off with no success. The group decided that they would give the group the $250 that was precious discussed.
Virginia asked if the deadline could be extended for the book mark contest since not many were returned. The group decided that this was fine since they were not going to announce the winner until the annual meeting and the printer did not need too much time. The deadline will be extended to November 27th.
New Business
The floor was opened for nominations. Laura recommended that the Friends look into amending their bylaws to allow for a liaison to the school and have Debbie be that person if she is interested. Debbie said that is something she would consider. The group thought it would be a good idea to have one person who would communicate with the school. Virginia nominated Kim for president and it was seconded. Kim asked the officers present if any of them would like to give up their position. Jill said she would like to continue on as treasurer. Virginia said she would like to get out of the conflict of being staff and secretary. She would be willing to share the duties. It was stated that Jennie would be good for the role to help between the secretary and treasurer. Jennie said she would think about it. She was nominated for secretary and it was seconded. Virginia nominated Betty for vice president. It was mentioned that on the ballots, that will be in the invitations to the members, that on the back there be a list of the members to aid in the nomination process.
The annual meeting committee brought up that they would like a projector so they could have a slide show. Virginia had Josh get some quotes which ranged in price from $600-$1200. It was also suggested that they could rent one from Pasco Rentals.
Punkey had let the group know that if they dedicated the funds from the silent auction to purchasing new chairs for the library that the district would match the funds raised. Jill moved that the silent auction funds go towards chairs since the district would match funds. It was seconded and passed.
Laura suggested that we make the live tree into a donation tree with different dollar amounts like an angel tree. The group thought this was a good idea.
Jill made a motion to give the District money for the projector to not exceed $1000 including taxes and shipping. It was seconded and passed.
Kim asked the group to stay in contact over the next few weeks. Virginia urged all members to use the blog to facilitate the communication.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM.
November 14, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 7:05 PM
Members Present: Jill, Kim, Virginia, Laura, Betty, Jennifer. Debbie arrived late due the conflicting time with PTO meeting.
The minutes were approved for October.
Jill had not arrived yet so the Treasurer’s report was passed over.
Virginia G Reported that she had received some correspondence over the past month. The group had received membership information from Washington Library Association and DOVIA, a professional organization at the Volunteer Center. She also received a thank you from Brandi Tevlin for the sponsorship the group had given her. The best piece of mail was the letter from the IRS confirming the 501 (c) (3) status. Virginia reported on a few ideas that came from the Friends Forum in Spokane. She provided handouts about dealing with the media and shared the Whitman County Friends’ newsletter and membership form. She also shared about a company that will buy books from the Friends and sell them online. Virginia sent out personal letters to some community members seeking membership for the group. There were two renewals and 3 new members for the month. The member count is 31 with 6 of them being family memberships.
Jill arrived and gave her report. Her most current balance is $8,231.12. She is going to switch over the passbook savings account to the preferred checking tomorrow. The group encouraged her to have an online account and space for two signatures on the checks.
Laura gave a report on the senior project. She has had one call for transportation on the 21st and Jenny is willing to help. She has made up business cards with her number on them.
The annual meeting committee handed out a tentative agenda and a list of needs. The meeting will be from 2-3 pm and the 10 Year Celebration will be from 3-5. Virginia G. will take on advertisements and she passed around an invitation. She was looking to have photos printed from the front of the card but found it expensive. Laura suggested calling Skip Navakovich to see if we could get the invitations printed. Jennie volunteered for setup and breakdown. Virginia said she could help since she would be working and she would make sure the library was decorated. After much discussion Laura said she would head the donation drive as long as she had help. Jill volunteered to help her. Virginia volunteered to make certificates. Jill is willing to work on entertainment. It was mentioned that Grey Wolf may be interested since they came to the patron appreciation day. The school also has an ensemble. Jennie said she was thinking of asking teachers if any of their classes had something rehearsed already, the more the merrier. Kim said she would coordinate food but asked all members to bring finger foods. Virginia is working on the two speakers. They will be Joy and either Punkey or Brent, Board Chair. It was mentioned that Don is a good MC, Virginia G. will look into it. After much discussion the closing of the silent Auction was moved to 4:30 so people could have one more opportunity to bid. Punkey said it was fine to have the items on display at the library during the week. Donations need to be turned in by December 2nd. The bidding will be open on the following Monday. Jill is willing to help announce door prizes as well as the auction results. The group wants to get a small live tree as a door prize.
Unfinished Business
Virginia reported that windows were washed by the senior class. They tried to get the hard water stains off with no success. The group decided that they would give the group the $250 that was precious discussed.
Virginia asked if the deadline could be extended for the book mark contest since not many were returned. The group decided that this was fine since they were not going to announce the winner until the annual meeting and the printer did not need too much time. The deadline will be extended to November 27th.
New Business
The floor was opened for nominations. Laura recommended that the Friends look into amending their bylaws to allow for a liaison to the school and have Debbie be that person if she is interested. Debbie said that is something she would consider. The group thought it would be a good idea to have one person who would communicate with the school. Virginia nominated Kim for president and it was seconded. Kim asked the officers present if any of them would like to give up their position. Jill said she would like to continue on as treasurer. Virginia said she would like to get out of the conflict of being staff and secretary. She would be willing to share the duties. It was stated that Jennie would be good for the role to help between the secretary and treasurer. Jennie said she would think about it. She was nominated for secretary and it was seconded. Virginia nominated Betty for vice president. It was mentioned that on the ballots, that will be in the invitations to the members, that on the back there be a list of the members to aid in the nomination process.
The annual meeting committee brought up that they would like a projector so they could have a slide show. Virginia had Josh get some quotes which ranged in price from $600-$1200. It was also suggested that they could rent one from Pasco Rentals.
Punkey had let the group know that if they dedicated the funds from the silent auction to purchasing new chairs for the library that the district would match the funds raised. Jill moved that the silent auction funds go towards chairs since the district would match funds. It was seconded and passed.
Laura suggested that we make the live tree into a donation tree with different dollar amounts like an angel tree. The group thought this was a good idea.
Jill made a motion to give the District money for the projector to not exceed $1000 including taxes and shipping. It was seconded and passed.
Kim asked the group to stay in contact over the next few weeks. Virginia urged all members to use the blog to facilitate the communication.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM.
Invitations for Celebration
I spoke with Skip at Esprit and they are going to print up 100 invitations with evelopes. I will need help addressing them when they arrive. Please stay tuned.
Donations for the Silent Auction
We are asking that all Friends try to get at least one item donated for the auction. If you are going to approach a business please let Laura know so that none of us double ask. It would also be helpful that once you recieve something add a comment to this post so we have an idea of what we have. The items need to be at the libray by the 2nd so we can set up the items for preview. If someone would like to just donate money we can use the money to purchase an item or it could just go into the fund for the chairs. Ask them what they would prefer. The money raised from the auction will be matched by the District and will be used to purchase chairs for the library.
Annual Meeting
The meeting will be December 9th at 2 pm. The program will follow at 3 pm. Joy Langdell and Punkey Adams will be our speakers. If Punkey is unable to come she will help us find someone who can talk about the future of the library.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Chairs at the Burbank Library
The chairs at the Burbank Library are pretty sad. Some of them are hand-me-downs from various businesses and some were purchased more than 20 years ago. It would be great if the Friends would consider a fund raiser for a few new chairs. The Rural Library District would gladly match any funds the Friends are able to raise for this project. Thanks for your consideration of the "chair renewal project."
Monday, October 30, 2006
Just a reminder that all our little rug rats will be out tomorrow night trick or treating! We will have candy at the library and there will be a couple of scary old witches! If you are cold, come grab a cup of coffee!
Just a reminder that all our little rug rats will be out tomorrow night trick or treating! We will have candy at the library and there will be a couple of scary old witches! If you are cold, come grab a cup of coffee!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Unapproved October Minutes
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
October 10, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 7:00 PM
Members Present: Jill Bolliger, Kim Dotta, Virginia Gutierrez, Gloria Meloy, Laura Schmidt, Betty Shackett, Jennifer Tevlin. Maria Montalvo and Debbie Williams arrived late due the conflicting time with PTO meeting. Guests included Kandyce Dexter and Mr. Dexter.
The minutes were approved for September.
The Annual Meeting Committee did not meet so there was nothing new to report. Members who were not at the last meeting were briefed about the idea of the annual meeting.
Betty gave a report on the author visits. Both went well and had a good number of patrons attending. The Friends made about $35 on the book sale, not all have been purchased yet and the ones for the second author are on back order.
Virginia S. and Rich were unable to report on the open house so Virginia G. reported that the handed out calendars there but only one new card was given out because they stopped at the table.
Jill reported that she had not made it to the bank yet but was going the next day to get the papers for the checking account.
Virginia G. reported that the registration forms needed to be turned in for the Volunteer Center as well as time sheets each month.
Unfinished Business:
After much discussion the group established the Grants committee that would be headed by Virginia G. The Program and Events committee would be headed by Kim, Betty and Jennie since they were already planning for the annual meeting. This committee will have a bilingual program subcommittee. The group would like Maria to head it. The Membership committee will be headed by Virginia G. and will include publicity. The final committee will be Fundraising and will be headed by Jill.
The group discussed changing the meeting time because of the PTO conflict and decided to table further discussion until January when the groups meet jointly.
The senior class turned in a letter of interest regarding washing the windows. An announcement was faxed to the high school counselor regarding the issue. The group agreed that the job should be given to the students under the guidelines of the previous agreement with the boy scouts.
New Business
The Friends agreed that they would like to sponsor a children’s book week bookmark contest. The winning bookmarks will be printed up and then distributed after Thanksgiving. It was suggested that the winners should be added to the website as well. Betty was able to get a quote for printing.
Elections will take place at the December meeting. Ballots will be sent to all members before hand in the mail. Nominations will be taken at the November meeting.
Kandyce Dexter shared with the group her knowledge of the senior needs in the community. After much discussion Laura volunteered to be the spoke in a wheel that would help gather needs and then pass them onto the group. Laura is going to make up business cards with her contact information. She is also going to attend a senior lunch to speak with the seniors there. The lunches are at 11:30 am on Tuesday and Wednesday. Virginia G. is going to double check with the Volunteer Center to see if the insurance will cover the transporting of passengers. The group also discussed what activities the library could offer for the seniors. Virginia G. will talk with Suzy at the Hungry Horse to help get the word out about the Friends plans.
Jill will bring refreshments for the next meeting.
The group was signed up for Trunk or Treat at the school. The group decided they would like to participate. Virginia and Kim will be there at 4:30 pm on the 28th to set up. Virginia G. will work on getting others involved. Friends can donate candy by dropping it of at the elementary school.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
October 10, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 7:00 PM
Members Present: Jill Bolliger, Kim Dotta, Virginia Gutierrez, Gloria Meloy, Laura Schmidt, Betty Shackett, Jennifer Tevlin. Maria Montalvo and Debbie Williams arrived late due the conflicting time with PTO meeting. Guests included Kandyce Dexter and Mr. Dexter.
The minutes were approved for September.
The Annual Meeting Committee did not meet so there was nothing new to report. Members who were not at the last meeting were briefed about the idea of the annual meeting.
Betty gave a report on the author visits. Both went well and had a good number of patrons attending. The Friends made about $35 on the book sale, not all have been purchased yet and the ones for the second author are on back order.
Virginia S. and Rich were unable to report on the open house so Virginia G. reported that the handed out calendars there but only one new card was given out because they stopped at the table.
Jill reported that she had not made it to the bank yet but was going the next day to get the papers for the checking account.
Virginia G. reported that the registration forms needed to be turned in for the Volunteer Center as well as time sheets each month.
Unfinished Business:
After much discussion the group established the Grants committee that would be headed by Virginia G. The Program and Events committee would be headed by Kim, Betty and Jennie since they were already planning for the annual meeting. This committee will have a bilingual program subcommittee. The group would like Maria to head it. The Membership committee will be headed by Virginia G. and will include publicity. The final committee will be Fundraising and will be headed by Jill.
The group discussed changing the meeting time because of the PTO conflict and decided to table further discussion until January when the groups meet jointly.
The senior class turned in a letter of interest regarding washing the windows. An announcement was faxed to the high school counselor regarding the issue. The group agreed that the job should be given to the students under the guidelines of the previous agreement with the boy scouts.
New Business
The Friends agreed that they would like to sponsor a children’s book week bookmark contest. The winning bookmarks will be printed up and then distributed after Thanksgiving. It was suggested that the winners should be added to the website as well. Betty was able to get a quote for printing.
Elections will take place at the December meeting. Ballots will be sent to all members before hand in the mail. Nominations will be taken at the November meeting.
Kandyce Dexter shared with the group her knowledge of the senior needs in the community. After much discussion Laura volunteered to be the spoke in a wheel that would help gather needs and then pass them onto the group. Laura is going to make up business cards with her contact information. She is also going to attend a senior lunch to speak with the seniors there. The lunches are at 11:30 am on Tuesday and Wednesday. Virginia G. is going to double check with the Volunteer Center to see if the insurance will cover the transporting of passengers. The group also discussed what activities the library could offer for the seniors. Virginia G. will talk with Suzy at the Hungry Horse to help get the word out about the Friends plans.
Jill will bring refreshments for the next meeting.
The group was signed up for Trunk or Treat at the school. The group decided they would like to participate. Virginia and Kim will be there at 4:30 pm on the 28th to set up. Virginia G. will work on getting others involved. Friends can donate candy by dropping it of at the elementary school.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Unapproved September Minutes
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
September 12, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 7:00 PM
Members Present: Kim, Virginia, Virginia, Betty, Virginia and Jenifer. Maria and Debbie arrived late due to conflict with PTO.
Minutes from August were approved. Virginia G. will email them out as well as post them to the blog.
Officer Reports:
There was no treasurer’s report due to it being Jill’s daughter’s birthday.
Virginia G. reported that there are 26 members.
Old Business:
Virginia G. has the information for the IRS ready to go. She is waiting on the year to date statement from Jill and then she will mail it.
Good Search was tabled since Debbie was not present.
Jennie reported that Brandy did very well at the pageant. Other girls brought extra books as well. She gained experience and would like to do it again next year.
Discussion on the checking account was tabled due to Jill and Debbie’s absences.
Virginia G. reported that the Volunteer Tea was a great success. The only regret was to not have a camera because it looked very good. There is interest in meeting again so stay tuned.
Virginia G. shared with the group that a Memo of Understanding was signed at the Tea. The Friends are now a registered agency with the Volunteer Center. This means lots of things but the most important benefit is insurance for the volunteer as long as they are registered and volunteering. All Friends need to register and then keep track of their hours. There are forms at the entrance to the Library in the black information rack. Hours need to be reported quarterly and they will be turned in to Virginia G. and she will submit them to the center.
New Business:
The group discussed having events for the ten year anniversary of the building in December and 30 years of service in 2007. The group decided that the Annual Meeting in December would be great time to showcase the library. Betty, Jennie and Kim will co-chair the planning committee.
Virginia G. and Maria are signed up to go to the Friends Forum in Spokane on October 21st. Everyone else will get back to Virginia G. to let her know if they are able to attend. Virginia also explained the new check request and reimbursements forms that were created to facilitate these actions.
Virginia S. will sell the books for Jan Underwood on the 28th. Maria will bring the cookies she has left over from the Tea. On October 4th Betty will take the money and make refreshments for author Thelma Tebeck Ritchie.
Debbie had asked the Friends to consider changing the meeting time since the PTO meets on the same evening. The Friends decided that they would not change the time. They are sad that it is a conflict but unwilling to change at this time.
Establishment of committees has been tabled a couple of times so the group decided that we do need a programming, fundraising and membership committee. These committees would be headed by an officer. Fundraising is Treasurer and Membership is Secretary. The monthly meeting should consist more of reports than discussion of these type of issues.
Debbie and Maria came so the group discussed the banking issue. Yakima Federal does have a preferred checking account that gives 3% on amount over $5,000. Debbie thought this was better than what Hapo had to offer. The group decided that this was a good idea.
The group re-discussed the meeting time and asked Debbie if she could let the PTO know that the Friends would like to meet at the school in January and maybe we could hold a dual meeting.
Virginia G. gave the GoodSearch info to Debbie to take care of .
The open house at the elementary school is on Monday the 18th. Virginia S. said that she would check her calendar but that she thought that she would be able to man a table for the Library and the Friends. Virginia G. and her will work out the details.
Virginia L. will bring refreshments for the next meeting.
Adjourned 8:20 PM
September 12, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 7:00 PM
Members Present: Kim, Virginia, Virginia, Betty, Virginia and Jenifer. Maria and Debbie arrived late due to conflict with PTO.
Minutes from August were approved. Virginia G. will email them out as well as post them to the blog.
Officer Reports:
There was no treasurer’s report due to it being Jill’s daughter’s birthday.
Virginia G. reported that there are 26 members.
Old Business:
Virginia G. has the information for the IRS ready to go. She is waiting on the year to date statement from Jill and then she will mail it.
Good Search was tabled since Debbie was not present.
Jennie reported that Brandy did very well at the pageant. Other girls brought extra books as well. She gained experience and would like to do it again next year.
Discussion on the checking account was tabled due to Jill and Debbie’s absences.
Virginia G. reported that the Volunteer Tea was a great success. The only regret was to not have a camera because it looked very good. There is interest in meeting again so stay tuned.
Virginia G. shared with the group that a Memo of Understanding was signed at the Tea. The Friends are now a registered agency with the Volunteer Center. This means lots of things but the most important benefit is insurance for the volunteer as long as they are registered and volunteering. All Friends need to register and then keep track of their hours. There are forms at the entrance to the Library in the black information rack. Hours need to be reported quarterly and they will be turned in to Virginia G. and she will submit them to the center.
New Business:
The group discussed having events for the ten year anniversary of the building in December and 30 years of service in 2007. The group decided that the Annual Meeting in December would be great time to showcase the library. Betty, Jennie and Kim will co-chair the planning committee.
Virginia G. and Maria are signed up to go to the Friends Forum in Spokane on October 21st. Everyone else will get back to Virginia G. to let her know if they are able to attend. Virginia also explained the new check request and reimbursements forms that were created to facilitate these actions.
Virginia S. will sell the books for Jan Underwood on the 28th. Maria will bring the cookies she has left over from the Tea. On October 4th Betty will take the money and make refreshments for author Thelma Tebeck Ritchie.
Debbie had asked the Friends to consider changing the meeting time since the PTO meets on the same evening. The Friends decided that they would not change the time. They are sad that it is a conflict but unwilling to change at this time.
Establishment of committees has been tabled a couple of times so the group decided that we do need a programming, fundraising and membership committee. These committees would be headed by an officer. Fundraising is Treasurer and Membership is Secretary. The monthly meeting should consist more of reports than discussion of these type of issues.
Debbie and Maria came so the group discussed the banking issue. Yakima Federal does have a preferred checking account that gives 3% on amount over $5,000. Debbie thought this was better than what Hapo had to offer. The group decided that this was a good idea.
The group re-discussed the meeting time and asked Debbie if she could let the PTO know that the Friends would like to meet at the school in January and maybe we could hold a dual meeting.
Virginia G. gave the GoodSearch info to Debbie to take care of .
The open house at the elementary school is on Monday the 18th. Virginia S. said that she would check her calendar but that she thought that she would be able to man a table for the Library and the Friends. Virginia G. and her will work out the details.
Virginia L. will bring refreshments for the next meeting.
Adjourned 8:20 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
Good Search is up and Running
This morning I added the Friends' Good Search links to the library website, on the main page, and on the Burbank Library page. I also created a basic "How To" page. And I gave you your first 2 cents!
Next week I will install the Good Search toolbar on all of the public computers in Burbank and we'll see what that 2 cents turns into ...
Next week I will install the Good Search toolbar on all of the public computers in Burbank and we'll see what that 2 cents turns into ...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friends Forum in Spokane
The Friends Forum is October 21st in Spokane. A group of us will be carpooling together. If you are unable to pay your own way the Friends have agreed to pay a portion of the fee or all of it if needed. Registration deadline is September 22nd. Go to the website for more information or stop by and ask me for a registration form.
DOVIA Meeting
Directors Of Volunteers In America meets the last Wednesday from 11:30-1pm at United Way in Kennewick. This is a group that the Volunteer Center facilitates. All are welcome to attend.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Author Visits to be a Fundraiser for the FRIENDS

The library will be hosting two author visits in the coming months. Jan Underwood, Dayshift Werewolf, $11.95, will be coming September 28th. Thelma Ritchie, Columbia High graduate, will be coming October 4th. Her two books are Terra Nova: Settling the Red Planet, $16.95. and Terra Nova: Expanding Red Planet Horizons, $19.95. The Library will order the books and the Friends can sell them the night of the talks. The Friends would make 40% profit. It would work best if we could kind of do a presale to see how many we need to order. They are returnable. If you would like to purchase any of the books let me know. Please get the word out about the visits as well.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Volunteer Tea A SUCCESS
The Burbank Community Tea was a success.
We had 20 individuals participate. They were representatives of Community Churches, Columbia High ASB, Parents, Community Members, Junior Miss, Teachers, School District Employees, Students, Grand Parents, Librarians, and Library Friends.
The attendees currently volunteer by making goodies, helping with landscaping, decorating, leading youth, recruiting, doing all the little extra jobs that come up, serve seniors, cooking, working with ESL students and wildlife, through 4-H, school, sitting on boards, and volunteering with parents and students.
How can we instill the value of Volunteerism in Burbank and sustain it?
Have your organization or group clearly state your goals and mission.
Have a mission.
Have a float in the parade in October.
Have events.
Network with others.
Make and post signs or utilize the reader boards in the community.
Have group shirts.
Create a community newsletter for getting the information out.
Use email or create a Myspace site or blog.
Get the children involved so they can see us modeling volunteerism.
Start new events in Burbank and collaborate with others to make it happen.
What are ways that we can collaborate to share resources?
Exchange information.
Promote the Volunteer Center.
Ask what you can do or what is going on.
Create a directory of groups and organizations in Burbank.
A theme that ran through the afternoon was that people must ask what is going on around the community since there is not a central way of disseminating information. One example was of a parent who is under the impression that nothing is happening at the school because her child says there is nothing going on. Parents must ask for themselves to find out where they are needed at the school.
When there are community events there is usually poor attendance so people must not assume that others are attending. Sometimes a person does not need to show up early to help out or stay late to clean up. They just need to attend the event, pay a couple of dollars for the hot dog and stay positive.
We had 20 individuals participate. They were representatives of Community Churches, Columbia High ASB, Parents, Community Members, Junior Miss, Teachers, School District Employees, Students, Grand Parents, Librarians, and Library Friends.
The attendees currently volunteer by making goodies, helping with landscaping, decorating, leading youth, recruiting, doing all the little extra jobs that come up, serve seniors, cooking, working with ESL students and wildlife, through 4-H, school, sitting on boards, and volunteering with parents and students.
How can we instill the value of Volunteerism in Burbank and sustain it?
Have your organization or group clearly state your goals and mission.
Have a mission.
Have a float in the parade in October.
Have events.
Network with others.
Make and post signs or utilize the reader boards in the community.
Have group shirts.
Create a community newsletter for getting the information out.
Use email or create a Myspace site or blog.
Get the children involved so they can see us modeling volunteerism.
Start new events in Burbank and collaborate with others to make it happen.
What are ways that we can collaborate to share resources?
Exchange information.
Promote the Volunteer Center.
Ask what you can do or what is going on.
Create a directory of groups and organizations in Burbank.
A theme that ran through the afternoon was that people must ask what is going on around the community since there is not a central way of disseminating information. One example was of a parent who is under the impression that nothing is happening at the school because her child says there is nothing going on. Parents must ask for themselves to find out where they are needed at the school.
When there are community events there is usually poor attendance so people must not assume that others are attending. Sometimes a person does not need to show up early to help out or stay late to clean up. They just need to attend the event, pay a couple of dollars for the hot dog and stay positive.
Friday, August 11, 2006
August 8, 2006 Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 7:05 PM
Present: Kim Dotta, Virginia Gutierrez, Maria Montalvo, Mary Reynolds, Laura Schmidt, Brandi Tevlin, Jennie Tevlin and Debbie Williams.
The minutes were approved from the last meeting. They were posted on the blog. Please let Virginia G. know if you do not know how to access the blog.
Reports from Officers-
Secretary reported that she had received a thank you from the Library for the summer reading support. She also received a request for support from Brandi Tevlin. There has been one new member since last month. The membership contest stands at Virginia G. 2-Laura 1. The address change notice has been mailed to the bank.
Jill was unable to make the meeting so Virginia G. reported that the United Way check came in.
Unfinished Business-
Since Betty was out of town Virginia G. reported that the cheapest for coping fliers would be at Budget and it would be around $160 for 2,000. Kinkos and B&B were higher. Colored ink was around $1 per copy - way to expensive. At Postnet they would do the coping and bulk mailing for $752.65. The postage would be $282.75 of that total. The group discussed the pros and cons of doing a bulk mailing. Debbie shared that as long as the information supported the school then they could include a flier with the District Newsletter. They would need to help stuff them however. This may be the best option if the Friends want the flier to get out to everyone rather than just those that we know or come to the Library. The Friends are able to use the Library copier as long as it benefits the Library so they will continue to make up fliers as needed until a decision is made about the newsletter. The group can also check into advertising with local media outlets including the NickelNic.
Virginia G. has not heard back from the IRS. It may be more like 6 months before we hear anything. Virginia will continue to contact them.
The current members need to keep handing out fliers. The group discussed what they have been doing to recruit and what helps. Hopefully the volunteer training will give some new ideas.
Rich addressed the group about the book club. The first meeting will be on August 15th at 7 PM. Carlotta is coming from the Touchet Library and will help facilitate. There may be enough for 2 groups. One in the afternoon and one in the evening. It was suggested that maybe some of the Friends credit at the Bookworm be used to make sure everyone has a copy. The group agreed that this was a good idea.
Virginia G. gave everyone an outline for the Tea. Jenny is going to help set up. Virginia G. will do the check in. Kim and Jenny are going to drop of their tea set s to be used. Virginia G. will try to get bottled water donated but if she is unable to do then she can purchase bottle water, cream, sugar and spoons. Maria is going to try to get cookies donated. There are table covers and the paper factory and Betty was going to look on the west side. Jennie said she could look at the $ Store. Debbie is going to take care of the 6 center pieces. If anyone has trays or tea cups bring them to the Library by Monday. There are 16 people registered so far. A mailing list was handed out and people committed themselves to contacting someone on the list. The Volunteer Center would like the Friends to become a part of their association. The Friends agreed that this would be a good benefit.
Debbie said the school has made $3 this summer on GoodSearch. She said she can stop by on a Wednesday to meet with Josh to set up the Friends account.
Discussion of the 10 year anniversary was Tabled.
On October 21 there will be a Friends Forum in Spokane. The group decided that it would be good to attend. The Friends agreed that if someone was unable to pay for their own way then the Friends would pay the registration of $50. Virginia G. will email everyone the registration when it comes out.
Committees was Tabled.
Brandi Tevlin made a request for sponsorship for a pageant in Seattle. She has to meet a second deadline of $190 by September 1st. The group decided that they would like to make a donation of $50. They also discussed that we set this as a limit or consideration when other youth or groups make a request. Since part of Brandi’s service project for the pageant includes donating books the Friends would also like to make a donation of books.
Jenny will bring refreshments fro the September 12th meeting.
Meeting Adjourned 8:05 pm.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 7:05 PM
Present: Kim Dotta, Virginia Gutierrez, Maria Montalvo, Mary Reynolds, Laura Schmidt, Brandi Tevlin, Jennie Tevlin and Debbie Williams.
The minutes were approved from the last meeting. They were posted on the blog. Please let Virginia G. know if you do not know how to access the blog.
Reports from Officers-
Secretary reported that she had received a thank you from the Library for the summer reading support. She also received a request for support from Brandi Tevlin. There has been one new member since last month. The membership contest stands at Virginia G. 2-Laura 1. The address change notice has been mailed to the bank.
Jill was unable to make the meeting so Virginia G. reported that the United Way check came in.
Unfinished Business-
Since Betty was out of town Virginia G. reported that the cheapest for coping fliers would be at Budget and it would be around $160 for 2,000. Kinkos and B&B were higher. Colored ink was around $1 per copy - way to expensive. At Postnet they would do the coping and bulk mailing for $752.65. The postage would be $282.75 of that total. The group discussed the pros and cons of doing a bulk mailing. Debbie shared that as long as the information supported the school then they could include a flier with the District Newsletter. They would need to help stuff them however. This may be the best option if the Friends want the flier to get out to everyone rather than just those that we know or come to the Library. The Friends are able to use the Library copier as long as it benefits the Library so they will continue to make up fliers as needed until a decision is made about the newsletter. The group can also check into advertising with local media outlets including the NickelNic.
Virginia G. has not heard back from the IRS. It may be more like 6 months before we hear anything. Virginia will continue to contact them.
The current members need to keep handing out fliers. The group discussed what they have been doing to recruit and what helps. Hopefully the volunteer training will give some new ideas.
Rich addressed the group about the book club. The first meeting will be on August 15th at 7 PM. Carlotta is coming from the Touchet Library and will help facilitate. There may be enough for 2 groups. One in the afternoon and one in the evening. It was suggested that maybe some of the Friends credit at the Bookworm be used to make sure everyone has a copy. The group agreed that this was a good idea.
Virginia G. gave everyone an outline for the Tea. Jenny is going to help set up. Virginia G. will do the check in. Kim and Jenny are going to drop of their tea set s to be used. Virginia G. will try to get bottled water donated but if she is unable to do then she can purchase bottle water, cream, sugar and spoons. Maria is going to try to get cookies donated. There are table covers and the paper factory and Betty was going to look on the west side. Jennie said she could look at the $ Store. Debbie is going to take care of the 6 center pieces. If anyone has trays or tea cups bring them to the Library by Monday. There are 16 people registered so far. A mailing list was handed out and people committed themselves to contacting someone on the list. The Volunteer Center would like the Friends to become a part of their association. The Friends agreed that this would be a good benefit.
Debbie said the school has made $3 this summer on GoodSearch. She said she can stop by on a Wednesday to meet with Josh to set up the Friends account.
Discussion of the 10 year anniversary was Tabled.
On October 21 there will be a Friends Forum in Spokane. The group decided that it would be good to attend. The Friends agreed that if someone was unable to pay for their own way then the Friends would pay the registration of $50. Virginia G. will email everyone the registration when it comes out.
Committees was Tabled.
Brandi Tevlin made a request for sponsorship for a pageant in Seattle. She has to meet a second deadline of $190 by September 1st. The group decided that they would like to make a donation of $50. They also discussed that we set this as a limit or consideration when other youth or groups make a request. Since part of Brandi’s service project for the pageant includes donating books the Friends would also like to make a donation of books.
Jenny will bring refreshments fro the September 12th meeting.
Meeting Adjourned 8:05 pm.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Volunteer Training
I just wanted to give everyone an update on the volunteer training. I met with Joyce from the BF Volunteer Center this week and we hammered out the details. The afternoon is going to start off with a focus on self, and then Joyce is going to share what an organization needs to recruit and support volunteers. We will then have discussions on sustainability of volunteerism and leadership in the community. We already have 8 people registered, including the Superintendent! Please get the word out about this wonderful opportunity. Let all know that this is not a recruitment meeting, it is so that they can learn to recruit and support their own volunteers better. There have been over 60 fliers mailed out. Please stop by the Library and pick up some more to take to churches or other meetings. They have been posted all over town as well.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Good Search Info
Virginia G. asked me to look into GoodSearch to see what it is all about. After researching it, it looks very feasible and easy to set up. It was set up by Yahoo! so if you prefer their search engine, you'll enjoy searching this way.
From their main site,, you may search for registered charities. You can enter things like "library" or "burbank" and it will bring up any organization that matches. Once you have chosen your charity, you can go ahead and search for something which gives that charity one penny. Every search raises one penny for the organization, so you would need quite a lot of searches to get a good return. (1,000 searches amounts to $10, etc.) Once you select a charity, you may also click on the "Amount Raised" button and see how much they have made so far.
The registration form is pretty simple with only a few things to decide like whose name should the account be under, where do the checks get mailed, etc. They also need the Tax ID Number for the Friends Group. If the group wants to go ahead and register for it, I would only need to know some of the information after you are registered to be able to set up links to the search page on our website.
From their main site,, you may search for registered charities. You can enter things like "library" or "burbank" and it will bring up any organization that matches. Once you have chosen your charity, you can go ahead and search for something which gives that charity one penny. Every search raises one penny for the organization, so you would need quite a lot of searches to get a good return. (1,000 searches amounts to $10, etc.) Once you select a charity, you may also click on the "Amount Raised" button and see how much they have made so far.
The registration form is pretty simple with only a few things to decide like whose name should the account be under, where do the checks get mailed, etc. They also need the Tax ID Number for the Friends Group. If the group wants to go ahead and register for it, I would only need to know some of the information after you are registered to be able to set up links to the search page on our website.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thank You to Jennie
Jennie, Thank you so much for running around this week to the bank. You are greatly appreciated. I know we all hope Jill will come back soon to her duties.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
June Minutes
Not many Friends were in attendance at the June Meeting. If you were one of them and would like the unapproved minutes sent to you please let me know.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Membership Drive
Hello Everyone! Now that everyone has become an official blogger it is time to get down to business. At the meeting we decided to take on a challenge. Here is the challenge. Pick up 5 Friends Fliers from the Library and recruit your friends, family and neighbors to be members. The Friend who recruits 5 new members first will win a dinner gift certificate for two.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
June Meeting
The June meeting is scheduled for the 13th at 7PM at the Library. Most items are under Unfinished Businness but please let Kim D. know if you have any new business.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Accessing the Blog and Logging in To Create Posts
I wanted to clarify that to just read the blog, you would use this address:
To log in to Blogger and create a new post, or register for an account, you would use this address:
To log in to Blogger and create a new post, or register for an account, you would use this address:
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Welcome to Blogger!
The Burbank Library Friends Blog has been started to create an accessible space for all Friends to keep in touch and informed about upcoming events or Friends meetings.
To post to this Blog you need to be a member of Blogger. All you need to do is click here to register and then let Virginia G. or myself know that you would like to be able to post messages to the Blog. I will send you an invitation, by email, to join the Blog. The invitation link will prompt to you log in if you are already registered at Blogger, or allow you to sign up with a new account. Once you accept the invitation, and register, you will be able to post messages to the Blog whenever you want!
Anyone may post comments to the Blog - you do not need to register. All you need to do is click the "comments" link at the bottom of the post you want to comment on. If you are a member of Blogger, you may post as yourself, or anonymously also.
I have created some general categories at the left to make finding messages easier. To post a message in a certain category, type the category name in the title of your post, like this:
Meetings: July meeting date
Fund Raising: Ideas?
If you would like additional categories let me know by either posting to the Blog, letting Virginia G. know, or emailing me at
There is also a section for links that I can add to if anyone has some related links they would like there. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
So ... start blogging!
To post to this Blog you need to be a member of Blogger. All you need to do is click here to register and then let Virginia G. or myself know that you would like to be able to post messages to the Blog. I will send you an invitation, by email, to join the Blog. The invitation link will prompt to you log in if you are already registered at Blogger, or allow you to sign up with a new account. Once you accept the invitation, and register, you will be able to post messages to the Blog whenever you want!
Anyone may post comments to the Blog - you do not need to register. All you need to do is click the "comments" link at the bottom of the post you want to comment on. If you are a member of Blogger, you may post as yourself, or anonymously also.
I have created some general categories at the left to make finding messages easier. To post a message in a certain category, type the category name in the title of your post, like this:
Meetings: July meeting date
Fund Raising: Ideas?
If you would like additional categories let me know by either posting to the Blog, letting Virginia G. know, or emailing me at
There is also a section for links that I can add to if anyone has some related links they would like there. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
So ... start blogging!
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