The Burbank Library Friends Blog has been started to create an accessible space for all Friends to keep in touch and informed about upcoming events or Friends meetings.
To post to this Blog you need to be a member of Blogger. All you need to do is click here to register and then let Virginia G. or myself know that you would like to be able to post messages to the Blog. I will send you an invitation, by email, to join the Blog. The invitation link will prompt to you log in if you are already registered at Blogger, or allow you to sign up with a new account. Once you accept the invitation, and register, you will be able to post messages to the Blog whenever you want!
Anyone may post comments to the Blog - you do not need to register. All you need to do is click the "comments" link at the bottom of the post you want to comment on. If you are a member of Blogger, you may post as yourself, or anonymously also.
I have created some general categories at the left to make finding messages easier. To post a message in a certain category, type the category name in the title of your post, like this:
Meetings: July meeting date
Fund Raising: Ideas?
If you would like additional categories let me know by either posting to the Blog, letting Virginia G. know, or emailing me at
There is also a section for links that I can add to if anyone has some related links they would like there. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
So ... start blogging!