Friends of the Burbank Community Library
September 12, 2006
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order at 7:00 PM
Members Present: Kim, Virginia, Virginia, Betty, Virginia and Jenifer. Maria and Debbie arrived late due to conflict with PTO.
Minutes from August were approved. Virginia G. will email them out as well as post them to the blog.
Officer Reports:
There was no treasurer’s report due to it being Jill’s daughter’s birthday.
Virginia G. reported that there are 26 members.
Old Business:
Virginia G. has the information for the IRS ready to go. She is waiting on the year to date statement from Jill and then she will mail it.
Good Search was tabled since Debbie was not present.
Jennie reported that Brandy did very well at the pageant. Other girls brought extra books as well. She gained experience and would like to do it again next year.
Discussion on the checking account was tabled due to Jill and Debbie’s absences.
Virginia G. reported that the Volunteer Tea was a great success. The only regret was to not have a camera because it looked very good. There is interest in meeting again so stay tuned.
Virginia G. shared with the group that a Memo of Understanding was signed at the Tea. The Friends are now a registered agency with the Volunteer Center. This means lots of things but the most important benefit is insurance for the volunteer as long as they are registered and volunteering. All Friends need to register and then keep track of their hours. There are forms at the entrance to the Library in the black information rack. Hours need to be reported quarterly and they will be turned in to Virginia G. and she will submit them to the center.
New Business:
The group discussed having events for the ten year anniversary of the building in December and 30 years of service in 2007. The group decided that the Annual Meeting in December would be great time to showcase the library. Betty, Jennie and Kim will co-chair the planning committee.
Virginia G. and Maria are signed up to go to the Friends Forum in Spokane on October 21st. Everyone else will get back to Virginia G. to let her know if they are able to attend. Virginia also explained the new check request and reimbursements forms that were created to facilitate these actions.
Virginia S. will sell the books for Jan Underwood on the 28th. Maria will bring the cookies she has left over from the Tea. On October 4th Betty will take the money and make refreshments for author Thelma Tebeck Ritchie.
Debbie had asked the Friends to consider changing the meeting time since the PTO meets on the same evening. The Friends decided that they would not change the time. They are sad that it is a conflict but unwilling to change at this time.
Establishment of committees has been tabled a couple of times so the group decided that we do need a programming, fundraising and membership committee. These committees would be headed by an officer. Fundraising is Treasurer and Membership is Secretary. The monthly meeting should consist more of reports than discussion of these type of issues.
Debbie and Maria came so the group discussed the banking issue. Yakima Federal does have a preferred checking account that gives 3% on amount over $5,000. Debbie thought this was better than what Hapo had to offer. The group decided that this was a good idea.
The group re-discussed the meeting time and asked Debbie if she could let the PTO know that the Friends would like to meet at the school in January and maybe we could hold a dual meeting.
Virginia G. gave the GoodSearch info to Debbie to take care of .
The open house at the elementary school is on Monday the 18th. Virginia S. said that she would check her calendar but that she thought that she would be able to man a table for the Library and the Friends. Virginia G. and her will work out the details.
Virginia L. will bring refreshments for the next meeting.
Adjourned 8:20 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
Good Search is up and Running
This morning I added the Friends' Good Search links to the library website, on the main page, and on the Burbank Library page. I also created a basic "How To" page. And I gave you your first 2 cents!
Next week I will install the Good Search toolbar on all of the public computers in Burbank and we'll see what that 2 cents turns into ...
Next week I will install the Good Search toolbar on all of the public computers in Burbank and we'll see what that 2 cents turns into ...
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