Unapproved Minutes of Friends Meeting January 9, 2007
Combined meeting with Columbia Burbank PTO
Meeting called to order at 5:40
In attendance: Kim D., Virginia G., Virginia S., Jennie T., and Betty S.
We reviewed our December meeting/ 10th Anniversary Celebration. At that meeting were many old members, new families, bookmark contest winners, and Friends. In all, about 50 people. Over $600.00 was made on the auction, which will be turned over to the
library; to be matched to purchase much needed chairs for the library. Excellent
speakers, many door prizes, a very successful evening! Virginia is waiting on Pizza
Hut certificates to be mailed for the bookmark contest winners.
Punky won the “Dessert of the Month” at the auction, and donated it to the staff for
their staff meetings! These are held the first Wednesday of the month, and the dessert needs to be enough for 10 people, and arrive before 4:00. So far signed up
Feb: Jennie T.
Mar: Virginia G
May: Virginia S.
We discussed dates for the two book sales for 2007. Decided so far is March 23 and 24,and October.
The Poetry Slam is set for April 12, the Friends agreed to supply refreshments and door prizes.
We discussed again being a part of the Community BBQ at the school, which will be held May 24th. We will have a booth set up, and possibly include more activities this time for the kids.
Combined portion with PTO 6:00 p.m.
Children’s author Jasper Tompkins will be coming to Burbank on Feb 23. There will be an assembly and book sales. The library will post brochures for this also.
The school also has Bingo Feb 2, and Reptile Man March 6 coming up.
Discussed the summer reading program, they will add our theme of “Get a Clue” to their reading program.