Meeting called to order at 7:30
In attendance: Kim D., Virginia G., Virginia S., Jennie T., and Betty S. Jon Rickords, Jill B.,
Minutes of the January meeting approved with the correction of our meeting time to begin at 7:30 from now on.
The following spaces still need to be filled for the “Dessert of the Month”.
We discussed the Book Sale for March 23-24. We have some books already, need donations, and need to get together to sort and prepare for the sale. We need to check on portable canopies to cover the tables for an outside sale. We discussed having the sale Friday from 10:00 to 4:00 and Saturday from 9:00 to 2:00. Also having a table for a Friends sign up. We are checking on setting up a table to advertise at the elementary school on March 14, at Grandparents Day. The ads are expensive, from $15.00 to $120.00.
Information for a rural orchestra concert tabled until next month.
Gloria sent information about a Senior Saturday from 12:00 to 2:00 the fourth Saturday of each month at the Library beginning February 24th. Discussed having tax help available at the Library, looking into that. Discussed having a caregivers support class.
Deciding what to do with certificate we received for animal care.
The Tri City Citizen will run information on us if we give the information to them. Lisa Bowers gave us that idea.
Debbie Williams handed out a folder about the Haas Foundation. Anyone knowing anystudent in Junior High or High School with any kind of monetary need, medical,sports costs, etc. can contact for more information.
A coffee machine was purchased by the library for use by all using the library.
Kim will bring snacks for our March meeting.