Unapproved Minutes of Friends Meeting September 11, 2007
Meeting called to order at 7:30
In attendance: Kim D., Virginia G., Jennie T., Virginia S, Harold.
We didn’t have an official meeting for August as there were only two people in
Jill updated the group with the treasurer’s report..
We now have one small canopy, and have purchased two more.
Still researching ideas for the perpetual plaque.
The teens washed the windows and had a pizza party to thank them!
There were 43 finishers of the Summer Reading program. We still have some books to
give away.
The picnic at Hood Park was a success! All who were there enjoyed the good food and
fun entertainment! We will do that again next year!
We will check into having a combined meeting again with the PTO.
We will make an appearance at the Elementary School open house on Monday 9-17.
We are looking for donations of books for the Friends Book Sale in September. The
sale is scheduled for September 28 and 29. We have added to the sale a Farmers
Market and Craft fair for Saturday from 9-12.
Jill will provide refreshments for the October meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30