Friday, June 29, 2007

Unapproved Minutes of Friends Meeting April 8, 2007

Unapproved Minutes of Friends Meeting April 8, 2007

Meeting called to order at 7:02
In attendance: Kim D., Virginia G., Virginia S., Jennie T., and Betty S. Harold H., Gloria M.

Minutes of the April meeting approved with the correction of the $433.00 in credit at Book Worm to $133.00

Virginia updated the group with the treasurer’s report as Jill wasn’t present at meeting.

Information for a rural orchestra concert tabled until next month.

Gloria shared more information about the Senior Saturday from 12:00 to 2:00 the fourth Saturday of each month at the Library beginning February 24th. The first one was small, but hopefully will be better attended in the future.

We discussed and decided that we would purchase signs for use in advertising events put on by the Friends.

Jon Rickords gave us information on donations given by Robert Gumm. He would like to donate a nice bench to be placed in memory of his wife.

Jill reported that we have $8424.97 in our account.

We joined the WLA, Washington Library Association. There is a conference coming soon.

The Poetry Slam is coming up on April 12th. The Friends will be providing refreshments.

If you want to see a calendar of events, there is one posted on the bulletin board.

Gloria will bring snacks for our April meeting.

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