Unapproved Minutes of Friends Meeting June 12, 2007
Meeting called to order at 7:35
In attendance: Kim D., Virginia G., Virginia S., Jennie T., and Harold H, Maria
Virginia updated the group with the treasurer’s report, as Jill wasn’t present at meeting. Book sale money is still coming in.
Jennie reported on the success of the Concert put on at the school. Not well attended, but very good. Professional musicians, they weren’t disappointed in the turnout. Said they will schedule Burbank in again in the future.
Kim and Virginia G reported that the Community BBQ went well. Having a canopy will make those things much better.
Betty is still checking into getting a canopy or two for our outdoor activities.
Six chairs were purchased from Ikea and we voted to buy 10 more.
The Dryers grant has been submitted and the Blue Mountain Foundation is being worked on.
This Thursday the 14th is Family Game Night, and registration for Summer Reading. Schedules are available in the library for help needed at activities.
As the windows were not washed by the Senior Class, the job will be offered to have the Teen Program kids wash them in exchange for a pizza party!
The Staff Dessert will be by Virginia G. for August and Virginia S. for September.
Kim will provide refreshments for the July meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:25.
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