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Annual Auction 2011 |
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
December Annual Meeting and Auction
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Sign up for the Cable Bridge Run
Click here- Race Registration Form and then fill out and submit with appropriate fee to run.
Email burbankfriends@wwrurallibrary.com to let us know if you would like to walk/run or sponsor another walker/runner.
Gift Baskets needed for December's Annual Auction
Burbank Community Library annual meeting.
Friends’ Annual Meeting is December 10, 2011.
Drop off donations at the Burbank Library by November 15, 2011
Gift baskets will either be used in a sealed bid auction prior to the 10th or a raffle or silent auction on December 10th.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
Meeting Minutes September 20, 2011
Call to order @ 1pm.
Members present: Betty, Gloria, Kim and Virginia G.
Minutes were not approved for August.
Treasure reported a balance of $10,833.05.
The group discussed the Dolly Parton Imagination Library project. Virginia G. had made invoices and those helped in receiving funds from the Sunrise Rotary and the Elementary PTO. The group also discussed ways to increase the enrollment such as attending football games or the fire station parade. Virginia said she would contact Chelsea with the ideas.
The bylaw update was tabled.
The group discussed different options for the annual meeting. The annual meeting date was set for December 10th. The group would like to do a day of baking cookies for the day and would like the event to continue as a potluck. The group decided that instead of doing an auction where items would be solicited from businesses that the group would ask members and patrons to donate themed baskets. These baskets then would be won on a silent bid. Baskets need to be at the Library by Nov.15th. Then photos would be taken and a display would be made with the photos of the baskets with an envelope for silent bidding. The group discussed participating in the Cable Bridge Run, December 17th, as a fundraiser. The group decided that they would each recruit a team to run. The cost of the run is $12 without a shirt and $17 with a shirt. The group decided not to purchase Friends’ shirts for the runners but maybe come up with an idea such as a Santa hat for each runner.
Virginia is to check with Ana about what type of banner, for advertisement, the Library needs.
Friends discussed their appreciation of the summer reading program and decided that the Pacific Science Center was a great activity and that they were happy to have sponsored it.
It was discussed that Virginia S. would help in the sorting of the donated books.
Virginia announced about the bazaar at the Grange. It is October 22nd from 904 pm. Tables are $15, lunch is $5. Call Betty L or Sherri M. for more information. The Friends decided not to participate.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 pm.
August 2011 Minutes
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
Meeting Minutes/ August 2011
Called to order at 3:00PM.
Members in attendance: Betty, Jill, Virginia G., Gloria, Virginia 5., Kim
Thank you to Virginia 5. who graciously allowed us to meet at her house for an impromptu lunch (Yum!) along with our meeting!
Kim moved to approve July's minutes and Virginia 5. seconded the approval. There was no treasurer's report available at the time of the meeting. Bylaw Updates were discussed and tabled until next meeting as there was no final decision made. Fundraising ideas were discussed and all were in agreement that the Cable Bridge Run was well received and should be done again this year. We are hoping to get the word out sooner so that we have more people participate. Betty gave the information that it appears we will be going with signs on wires for about $25/pc instead of the flags as originally thought, for the banner.
The end of the Summer Reading Program is the 20th and there will be a potluck dinner at the library.
It was brought to our attention that due to overcrowding at the Library, there will not be room for the storage of donated books any longer. We will look for the phone number for the lady that Virginia G. talked to last year, who was willing to take any donated books, and see if that is still a possibility. We will also look into the possibility of taking turns picking up the donations and keeping smaller amounts in a variety of locations, so that one member does not have to make room in their home for a large amount of boxes/bags. The general concern is that if the Library stops taking book donations that we will lose the opportunity to get future book donations when needed for a sale, etc. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.
The manager of the Library, Ana, was not here to give her report in person, but did send a letter with Virginia G.
Jill will be bringing refreshments next meeting, September 13, 2011 at 7PM
Meeting adiourned at 5:05PM
July 2011 Minutes
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm.
Members in attendance were Betty, Gloria, Virginia G and Virginia S.
The June Minutes were approved.
The Treasurer reported that there was $9,772.78
The enrollment is now up to 45 children. Virginia G. is asking Chelsea to be able to view the children are registered. The invoices are coming in through email and are due by the 10th of the month.
In Article III- Membership & Dues the words adult, student were changed in individual and corporate was changes to super friend.
Betty will check into the different banners this month and Virginia will talk to Ana about what is wanted.
The group discussed having an earlier meeting in August and decided at 3 pm at Virginia Sinclair’s house.
Next meeting will be August 9th, 2011.
June 2011 Minutes
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
Members in attendance were Betty, Gloria, Jill, Virginia G and Virginia S.
The May Minutes were approved. Still need Nov.
The Treasurer reported that there was $10,173.30. The lobby sales were $32.
There were 15 children that signed up for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library during the BBQ. We did run out of items for the games and it was a little chaotic. We need to have more that two volunteers.
The book bags arrived and are now available for purchase for $4.
There were no updates made to the bylaws on Article II.
The group discussed fundraising since Famous Dave’s offered do a fund raiser but the Friends would prefer to have one at Road 68 if it is going to be a restaurant.
Betty will look into the banners this month
There will be times that the summer reading program may need volunteers and it would be nice for the Friends to attend.
Next meeting will be July 12th.
May 2011 Minutes
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm.
The April Minutes were approved. Still need Nov.
The Treasurer reported that there was $10,528.57. The lobby sales were $35, Interest $8.33 and sunshine fund $53.87. Amy Amerein from Dayton came by the Library and purchased the leftover books from the sale. This upped the previous total to $191.13.
Since the kick off was at the school bbq and the group did not need to purchase registration brochures for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library the group decided to go ahead and make a $500 donation to the program.
Thanks to Kim for getting all the gift cards for the Poetry Contest. Since the coffer certificate was not used it can be used for summer reading.
The book bags have not been completed yet.
Virginia shared some nontraditional fundraising ideas that Ana had received at a
conference. The Friends discussed some of the options such as a restaurant fundraiser.
The group updated the bylaws. The group decided that each meeting they would update one section. The first article should include the present address at the Burbank Library.
The school bbq is on Thursday the 19th. Volunteers are needed.
The group talked about getting signs made to advertise summer reading and then just one with the new logo. Lonnie by Star Rentals is Sign’s by Sue’s daughter.
Jill will bring refreshments for the next meeting.
April 2011 Meeting
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2011
Call to order: 7:10 pm
Members Present: Betty, Gloria, Kim and Jill
The minutes from March were approved with a correction to the Treasure’s report. The October minutes were approved with two typos. Gloria found in her paperwork two dues payments that had never been deposited from 2009. The group decided that these individuals will receive a 2011 membership.
The April Treasurer Report was $10,728.61 without the Poetry prizes deducted. 53.87 in the sunshine fund. The Welch Grant check of $2000 is included. The $100 check from CP Pacific Grain has not been deposited.
No updated news to report on the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
The March book sale took in $292. It was approved that the rest of the books can be donated to the MLC. The baked goods were a good addition the sale.
Kim had picked up the prizes for the poetry contest. Kim and Virginia S. will be judging the poems.
The book bags have been ordered.
The group approved $400 in summer reading funds, $375 for the Pacific Science Center and also $150 for Wii games. The group tabled Ana’s idea about a staff garden.
March 2011 Meeting Minutes
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2011
Meeting Called to order @ 7 pm.
Approval of February meeting minutes with correction of typo on bringing and treasurer report.
Treasure’s Report: Correction on last month’s total of $8,958.11. New amount is $8,857.20 with $24.05 in lobby sales. Balance includes $53.87 in sunshine fund.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library Grant update included a report of $1,000 from the Sunrise Rotary. Virginia was going to contact people who are involved in the DPIL to find out more information on the banking aspect.
Book Sale is March 18 and 19th. There is a signup sheet for the shifts. On the 17th Virginia and Betty will be baking at 2 pm at Virginia’s house. The prices were finalized of $3 for a grocery bag or $5 for a reusable grocery bag.
The Poetry Contest is open and Kim will pick up gift cards for the prices. The judging will be the 14th and Kim and Virginia S. will be judges.
The Friends discussed equipment that was donated to the Burbank Library and decided that when material and equipment is purchased by the Friends for the Burbank Library it is to be utilized exclusively at the Burbank Library.
The Friends decided that it was okay for members of the Friends to use the Friends’ letterhead to solicit donations for library programs as long as it was approved by the President.
Meeting adjourned at 8 pm.
February Meeting Minutes
Friends of the Burbank Community Library
Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m.
Members in attendance were Betty, Gloria, Jill and Virginia G.
The January Meeting minutes were approved but the group is still waiting on October-December’s minutes.
Gloria gave the treasurer’s report which was $8,958.16 which included $80.38 of the Staff Sunshine Fund.
Virginia and Betty updated the group on the DPIL program. Since it was tabled at the last meeting it was took off the table and the group decided to fully support the program It was agreed that there need to be an accounting sheet for the program as well as a receipt book. It was approved to have Virginia fill out the application and to speak with Chelsea further about the program. Virginia would also speak with Pam from DPIL about the check from Pacific Grain.
The group thought the kindergarten tour went well. The students were excited and had fun. There were 21 new cards, about half of those did not have a parent who had a current card. The group decided that the extra books be donated to the library to add as well as the school library.
The group spoke about the goals for the year. They decided they would like to be better about bringing refreshments to the meetings, track their volunteer hours. A big priority is to complete the logo and order book bags. Also have a book sale.
The members present decided that they liked the logo with the open book but would prefer the print on the other logo better.
Gloria will bring the refreshments for March.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
January 2011 Minutes
Friends of the Burbank Library
Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2011
Meeting called to order at 7:20 p.m.
Members present:
Betty, Gloria, Jill, Virginia G. and Virginia S.
The minutes from past meetings were not approved.
Gloria reported that the balance was $8,944.02.
The Friends are holding the check from the Welch Grant. Betty met with Chelsea and Lou about the Dolly Parton Imagination Library project. Lou is very supportive and is willing to coordinate an appearance at the Sunrise Rotary.
The Annual Auction brought in $580.00 which includes memberships paid that day. It was a great afternoon.
Officers were elected based on the votes turned in at the Annual meeting and votes collected afterwards. They are as follows. President: Betty, Vice President: Jill, Secretary: Kim and Treasurer: Gloria.
The kindergarten tour is scheduled for February 4th at 9 am. Virginia G. will call Gloria for the stamp when the books arrive. Betty and Gloria will volunteer and Virginia G. will call on other Friends to volunteer. The Friends will provide a snack of rice cakes and cream cheese and then a variety of other snacks to decorate them. Betty and Virginia G. will go shopping for these items.
The group talked about the goals for the year and decided they should stay afloat and be healthy. The group talked about using the Cable Bridge Run that is held in December as a fundraiser.
Membership forms were given to those members present that had not paid their dues.
Virginia S. said she would coordinate with Meghan to work through the donated books and items. Virginia G. said she would contact the online book seller again to see when they could pick up books.
The group planned an outing for Gloria’s and Jill’s birthday on January 24th.
Gloria will bring refreshments for the February meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.