Tuesday, October 18, 2011

January 2011 Minutes

Friends of the Burbank Library

Meeting Minutes

January 11, 2011

Meeting called to order at 7:20 p.m.

Members present:

Betty, Gloria, Jill, Virginia G. and Virginia S.

The minutes from past meetings were not approved.

Gloria reported that the balance was $8,944.02.

The Friends are holding the check from the Welch Grant. Betty met with Chelsea and Lou about the Dolly Parton Imagination Library project. Lou is very supportive and is willing to coordinate an appearance at the Sunrise Rotary.

The Annual Auction brought in $580.00 which includes memberships paid that day. It was a great afternoon.

Officers were elected based on the votes turned in at the Annual meeting and votes collected afterwards. They are as follows. President: Betty, Vice President: Jill, Secretary: Kim and Treasurer: Gloria.

The kindergarten tour is scheduled for February 4th at 9 am. Virginia G. will call Gloria for the stamp when the books arrive. Betty and Gloria will volunteer and Virginia G. will call on other Friends to volunteer. The Friends will provide a snack of rice cakes and cream cheese and then a variety of other snacks to decorate them. Betty and Virginia G. will go shopping for these items.

The group talked about the goals for the year and decided they should stay afloat and be healthy. The group talked about using the Cable Bridge Run that is held in December as a fundraiser.

Membership forms were given to those members present that had not paid their dues.

Virginia S. said she would coordinate with Meghan to work through the donated books and items. Virginia G. said she would contact the online book seller again to see when they could pick up books.

The group planned an outing for Gloria’s and Jill’s birthday on January 24th.

Gloria will bring refreshments for the February meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

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