Tuesday, October 18, 2011

August 2011 Minutes

Friends of the Burbank Community Library

Meeting Minutes/ August 2011

Called to order at 3:00PM.

Members in attendance: Betty, Jill, Virginia G., Gloria, Virginia 5., Kim

Thank you to Virginia 5. who graciously allowed us to meet at her house for an impromptu lunch (Yum!) along with our meeting!

Kim moved to approve July's minutes and Virginia 5. seconded the approval. There was no treasurer's report available at the time of the meeting. Bylaw Updates were discussed and tabled until next meeting as there was no final decision made. Fundraising ideas were discussed and all were in agreement that the Cable Bridge Run was well received and should be done again this year. We are hoping to get the word out sooner so that we have more people participate. Betty gave the information that it appears we will be going with signs on wires for about $25/pc instead of the flags as originally thought, for the banner.

The end of the Summer Reading Program is the 20th and there will be a potluck dinner at the library.

It was brought to our attention that due to overcrowding at the Library, there will not be room for the storage of donated books any longer. We will look for the phone number for the lady that Virginia G. talked to last year, who was willing to take any donated books, and see if that is still a possibility. We will also look into the possibility of taking turns picking up the donations and keeping smaller amounts in a variety of locations, so that one member does not have to make room in their home for a large amount of boxes/bags. The general concern is that if the Library stops taking book donations that we will lose the opportunity to get future book donations when needed for a sale, etc. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.

The manager of the Library, Ana, was not here to give her report in person, but did send a letter with Virginia G.

Jill will be bringing refreshments next meeting, September 13, 2011 at 7PM

Meeting adiourned at 5:05PM

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