Thursday, July 19, 2007

Unapproved Minutes of Friends Meeting July 10, 2007

Meeting called to order at 7:30
In attendance: Kim D., Virginia G., Jennie T., Betty S.

Virginia updated the group with the treasurer’s report, as Jill wasn’t present at meeting.

Betty is still checking into getting a canopy or two for our outdoor activities.

The perpetual plaque will be purchased this month to honor those giving to the Friends.

The Dryers grant was denied. We are still waiting on the other grant.

The inside of the windows got washed by the teens, and the outside will be washed soon.

The attendance is down this summer at Summer Reading, and other programs.

The Friends will be putting on a Family BBQ on August 10th at Hood Park. We will be having people sign up to do entertainment at the amphitheater like skits, songs, demonstrations etc. Also to bring food, clean up, prepare etc.

We are thinking of doing another Volunteer Training Program like the Tea we had last fall. It was well attended, and we think others may be interested in participating also.

We are looking for donations of books for the Friends Book Sale in September.

The Staff Dessert will be by Betty S. for August and Virginia S. for September.

Virginia G. will provide refreshments for the August meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hood Park Reservations

If you want to make reservations at Hood Park call 1-877-444-6777 or go to This is a wise thing to do because you could end up in the overflow camping dry lot and no fires are allowed.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Hood Park Picnic August 10th, 2007

Come out with the FRIENDS for a BBQ and campfire presentation. The Friends will be providing pulled pork or beef for sandwiches, you bring a side dish. After dinner we will all head over to the amphitheater for the campfire presentation. We are looking for all types of talents for the evening. If your family needs ideas on a skit or a song to do ask the staff at the library for help.

Call the Library to RSVP, to tell us what you are bringing and to sign up for the entertainment portion.

More information to come.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Thanks for the chairs!

Rich Approved!