Thursday, July 13, 2006

Good Search Info

Virginia G. asked me to look into GoodSearch to see what it is all about. After researching it, it looks very feasible and easy to set up. It was set up by Yahoo! so if you prefer their search engine, you'll enjoy searching this way.

From their main site,, you may search for registered charities. You can enter things like "library" or "burbank" and it will bring up any organization that matches. Once you have chosen your charity, you can go ahead and search for something which gives that charity one penny. Every search raises one penny for the organization, so you would need quite a lot of searches to get a good return. (1,000 searches amounts to $10, etc.) Once you select a charity, you may also click on the "Amount Raised" button and see how much they have made so far.

The registration form is pretty simple with only a few things to decide like whose name should the account be under, where do the checks get mailed, etc. They also need the Tax ID Number for the Friends Group. If the group wants to go ahead and register for it, I would only need to know some of the information after you are registered to be able to set up links to the search page on our website.

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