Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Book Sale

The Book Sale is set for March 23rd 10-4 and March 24th 9-2. Please drop off books between the 12th and 22nd.


virginia said...

We are planning a trip to WW to pick up books from the Service Center March 14th. Let us know if you would like to tag along.

We are going to be able to use storage at the school to sort books beginning on Monday 19th.

virginia said...

Ad was placed in the Giant Nickel.

virginia said...

The books arrived from the service center on Wednesdy. Please let us know what time during the week you can help sort books and what time you can work the sale Friday and Saturday.

virginia said...

There is a sign up list at the counter. Please sign up!... and bring a FRIEND!

virginia said...

Sorting went well at the School today, Monday. If anyone has large donations it would probably be great for them to be dropped off there instead of the Library.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.