Friday, June 29, 2007

Unapproved Minutes of Friends Meeting May 8, 2007

Unapproved Minutes of Friends Meeting May 8, 2007

Meeting called to order at 7:32
In attendance: Kim D., Virginia G., Virginia S., Jennie T., and Betty S. Harold H., Gloria M.

Minutes of the April meeting approved with the correction of the $433.00 in credit at Book Worm to $133.00

Virginia updated the group with the treasurer’s report, as Jill wasn’t present at meeting.

Gloria commented that there was only one person in attendance at the Senior Saturday. She will try again in June.

The Poetry slam went well.

The concert in the park had wonderful, positive reviews. Kids were happy, t-shirts sold for $10.00 each Ray Poland and Sons donated money, and Punky enjoyed it too. People asking for another one!

United Way checks begin in July.

The projector and chairs will be purchased soon, they are being researched now. Harold is also working on a grant from Dryers Ice Cream for the Summer Reading Program.

Punky supports the idea of a plaque in the library. Money to go toward signage for library.

Inland Symphony asking for donations for a concert, Friends will supply refreshments.

Betty offered to research for a canopy for outdoor projects at the library.

Community BBQ set for May 24th. We will have a table.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30

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