Tuesday, October 18, 2011

March 2011 Meeting Minutes

Friends of the Burbank Community Library

Meeting Minutes

March 8, 2011

Meeting Called to order @ 7 pm.

Approval of February meeting minutes with correction of typo on bringing and treasurer report.

Treasure’s Report: Correction on last month’s total of $8,958.11. New amount is $8,857.20 with $24.05 in lobby sales. Balance includes $53.87 in sunshine fund.

Dolly Parton Imagination Library Grant update included a report of $1,000 from the Sunrise Rotary. Virginia was going to contact people who are involved in the DPIL to find out more information on the banking aspect.

Book Sale is March 18 and 19th. There is a signup sheet for the shifts. On the 17th Virginia and Betty will be baking at 2 pm at Virginia’s house. The prices were finalized of $3 for a grocery bag or $5 for a reusable grocery bag.

The Poetry Contest is open and Kim will pick up gift cards for the prices. The judging will be the 14th and Kim and Virginia S. will be judges.

The Friends discussed equipment that was donated to the Burbank Library and decided that when material and equipment is purchased by the Friends for the Burbank Library it is to be utilized exclusively at the Burbank Library.

The Friends decided that it was okay for members of the Friends to use the Friends’ letterhead to solicit donations for library programs as long as it was approved by the President.

Meeting adjourned at 8 pm.

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